The Nightside
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a polar bear in the guise of a penguin

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a polar bear in the guise of a penguin Empty a polar bear in the guise of a penguin

Post  Dunstfinkler Tue Jun 14, 2011 6:11 am

3 weeks ago

"now now lets not get unfriendly eh?" i laughed, Boyd a big fat bald ugly american barman leveled a shotgun on my face, i knew that if i was hit with that i'd be picking buckshot out of my chest for the last few hours and would not walk for a couple of days, "if you come peacefully i wont have to break every bone in your body" of course i didnt know he knew i was bluffing, the bark of the shotgun came suddenly and i took the full load of buckshot in my chest, i winced as i fell off the bar stool and onto the floor as i fell i drew my pistol and fired it on Boyd *click click* i cursed silently "shit" i had forgot to load the pistol, i stood up and braced me to the wall i heard another bark but wasnt hit this time, as i ran out i shouted "boyd your aiming sucks", i bust out of the door and jumped into my car a red prius, i frowned as i got bloodstains on the seats that would take hours to get out.

Last edited by Dunstfinkler on Tue Jun 14, 2011 1:43 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : i sometime mix up different kinds of storytelling)


Posts : 927
Join date : 2011-06-13

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a polar bear in the guise of a penguin Empty Re: a polar bear in the guise of a penguin

Post  Dunstfinkler Tue Jun 14, 2011 2:45 pm

I opened my trunk and filled my duffelbag with the usual for going into the field, Various tools rope some food several bottles of water some ammunition alcohol and medical supplies, I picked up my rifle and put the low vision scope on it and slung it over my back and put my coat over leaving no trace of it other than a slight bulge, Remembering the earlier incident at the bar i double checked that my weapons were loaded, I had re-enforced the parts of my coat protecting vital areas with some light kevlar, Under the coat i had my old suit with a big patch where i got shot by the shotgun, I slung my duffelbad over my back and closed the trunk.

I kissed my car and said goodbye as i walked down the dark alleyway, i was always slightly unsettled in nightside probably something to do with the dark open spaces, I saw the usual mix of people walking around, the kind you dont mess with, eventually i came to the entrance to the caverns a hole in the ground covered by round metal disc like most sewer entrances, i dropped my duffelbag and rummaged through it for my crowbar, I opened the entrance threw my duffelbag down and then jumped down myself, It was a good three metres fall but my strengthened physique could easily take that.

I looked around me and unsurprisingly it was dark i unslung my rifle and started scanning the room, I put my finger on the triggerguard but kept the safety on "So this is where criminals hide out", I saw that there was no people in the cave i was in, I looked down on my gps and saw that the dot for Boyd was still around at least he hadnt found it yet.

I had been following the red dot on the display for a few hours when i noticed the faint aroma of rancid food and sweat i noticed a light up ahead and threw my bag down on the floor, i checked my display and saw that the dot was only 50 odd metres ahead of me, i got down into a crouch possision and kept to the walls, somewhat covered by shadow i crept up on my prey when suddenly i suddenly heard the bark of a shotgun a metre to my left right above my head, I heard shuffling inside the room and immediately crept back towards the shadows.

Last edited by Dunstfinkler on Thu Jun 16, 2011 7:48 pm; edited 1 time in total


Posts : 927
Join date : 2011-06-13

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a polar bear in the guise of a penguin Empty Re: a polar bear in the guise of a penguin

Post  Dunstfinkler Tue Jun 14, 2011 6:58 pm

Of course it took me a minute to realize that boyd had ran off and not to check if i was dead, I picked up my duffelbag entered the cave he had been inhabiting and noticed small animal bones and something that looked disturbingly like a human skull, On the other side of the cave there was another path and i followed it rifle ready, i noticed some blood on the walls and started wondering what the hell boyd was up to, i started running and heard a strange gurgling sound from the chamber ahead, i immediately stopped and went into the crouching position i adopted when sneaking.

The chamber was badly lit and what little i saw suggested noone had passed through here in years, I stumbled over something in the dark, I directed my scope towards whatever it was, The face of an ugly cannibal barman named boyd stared at me blankly, I checked his pulse *nothing* "Gammel eirik" i exclaimed, I heard sounds from a nearby chamber.

as i came upon the chamber i noticed that there was more than one voice, i heard "En-battaille-la.", I crept towards a couple of stones close to the group of people and counted three that i saw immediately, I shouted "Halt!" and aimed my rifle towards them.


Posts : 927
Join date : 2011-06-13

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